VMHA is pleased to host a series of three (3) coach development sessions for all our coaches within the association.

To register please email Chris Driebergen at development@victoriaminorhockey.ca to reserve your spot. There is no fee to attend.

We would like to have as many coaches attending as possible, so please feel free to share with your coach group as some may not receive this email.


July 22 5:10-6:05pm Pearkes Gold – with Adam Geric

July 25 6:20-7:15pm Pearkes Gold – with Brandon Wong

CANCELLED: Aug 8 5:10-6:05pm Pearkes Gold – with The Goalie Group

Skates, helmet, gloves, and stick are required as we will incorporate coaches throughout the practice. A short Q&A will be held in a dressing room directly after the ice time.