Incident Reporting and Kudos
Incident Reporting
This reporting system is designed to be a safe reporting method for incidents that our members have experienced, witnessed, initiated or caused, that may have a negative impact on others. We understand that there has been a culture of silence within the Hockey World and are endeavoring to remove that silence and provide all those affected with a safe place to report such incidents to be reviewed by our Vice President and our Board of Directors if necessary or appropriate.
*Please note that if your report is involving an emergency situation where someone is at risk of harm or injury, you must call 911*
**Please also note that any acts of crime need to be reported to the police for investigation. This reporting system is NOT to report to police and we are obligated to report any instances where someone is at danger of harming themselves or others or children of any age, as is any British Columbian who is made aware of such circumstances**
To report you can find the button on our main page or click here
Please use this form to recognize good deeds, positive impacts and awesome moments that you are a part of, or witness to, and that involve Victoria Minor Hockey Association Volunteers, Players, Teams, Staff or families.